University Academic Affairs Committee Presents


Bridging the Gap...

Experience Meets Education!

Adult Learning Open Day

Join us for a day of inspiration and exploration

your journey starts here!

Uncover the endless possibilities that await you as you explore our cutting-edge facilities, connect with passionate professors, and envision your academic journey. Don't miss this opportunity to ignite your curiosity, ask questions, and envision your future with us.

January Events

February Events

March Events

January Events

January 11th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday -Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Opening Keynote Address

10.00 New Year, New Skills Microcredentials Unpacked: What You Need to Know

12.00 Pathways to Progress: Exploring Microcredential Options

02.00 Hands-On Workshop: Designing Your Microcredential Journey

04.00 Networking Reception

January 12th Sunday

Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 New Year, New Opportunities Unlocking APEL: What You Need to Know

12.00 Crafting Your Future: Portfolio Development Workshop

14.00 Setting and Achieving Academic and Career Goals Assessment Insights: What Evaluators Look For

16.00 Networking Reception

February Events

February 15th Saturday (MAHSA HEALTH) @ MAHSA AVENUE

Day 1: Saturday - Golden Years, Golden Health

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Physiotherapy for Healthy Aging.

12.00 Crafting Your Future: Physiotherapy through Microcredential

14.00 Exercise and Mobility Training
16.00 Networking Receptions

February 16th Sunday @ MAHSA AVENUE

Day 2: Sunday – Golden Years, Golden Health

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Transforming lives: The power of Rehabilitation through Cyberdyne

12.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Posture Assessment

16.00 Networking Reception

March Events

March 8th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

10.00 Opening Address

10.05 Introduction to microcredentials of Bioscience programs - By Mdm Sri Devi

11.30 The Power of Your Experience, Opening Doors to microcredentials for Bioscience

Programs - Ms Ketharin

14.00 DNA Extraction & Blood Typing: A Laboratory Skills Workshop (MC: Micro-credential in Biochemistry And Genetics and Micro-credential in Basic Haematiology) - By Mr Sajeesh

16.00 Networking

March 9th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

10.00 Introduction to APEL (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceuticals Technology) - By Dr Azren

10.30 Introduction to Personal Care Products (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceuticals Technology) - By Dr Dayoob

11.00 A Hands-On Soap-Making Workshop (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceuticals Technology - by Dr Dayoob, Dr Wani and Dr Azren

14.00 Hands-On Lipstick Making Workshop (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceuticals Technology) - By Dr Dayoob, Dr Wani and Dr Azren

16.00 Networking Reception

April Events

May Events

July Events

April Events

April 12th Saturday (MAHSA Health) @ MAHSA AVENUE

Day 1: Saturday - Healthy Moms, Happy Babies

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Essential Skills in Newborn Care

12.00 Public Health Strategies for Maternal Well-being

14.00 Journey into Midwifery and Public Health Nursing

16.00 Networking Reception

April 13th Sunday (MAHSA Health) @ MAHSA AVENUE

Day 2: Sunday – Healthy Moms, Happy Babies

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Inner Harmony, Outer Health: The Science of Medical Wellness

12.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Reconnect with Tradition: Experience the

Power of Urutan Malaysia’s Healing Remedies

16.00 Networking Reception

May Events

May 10th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Microcredentials for Industry-Recognized Skills In-Demand Skills through Microcredentials

12.00 Industry-specific microcredentials

14.00 Intro to Project Management Fundamentals

16.00 Networking Reception

May 11th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Understanding APEL and Credit Transfers How APEL Works: The Credit Transfer Process

12.00 Credit Exemptions through APEL

14.00 Building Your Portfolio for APEL Credit Assessment

16.00 Networking Reception

July Events

July 12th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Micro Credential Demo Class:Essentials of Emergency Care, Emergency Medicine

12.00 Micro Credential Demo Class:Tooth carving

14.00 Micro Credential Demo Class: Micro-credential in Movement Therapy

16.00 Networking Reception

July 13th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Transforming Careers: How Adult Learners Can Thrive in IT

12.00 How APEL can advance your career?

14.00 Exploring Pharmacological Research Techniques

16.00 Networking Reception

August Events

September Events

October Events

August Events

August 9th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Opening Keynote Address

10.00 Fast-Track Your Goals with Microcredentials

12.00 Pathways to Learning: Choosing the Right Microcredential

14.00 Intro to Agile Project Management

16.00 Networking Reception

August 11th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Fast-Track Your Degree

12.00 Showcase Your Skills: Interactive Skill Demonstration Zone

14.00 Accelerated Learning Techniques

16.00 Networking Reception

September Events

September 13th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Microcredentials for Transferable Skills

12.00 Building Transferable Skills with Microcredentials

14.00 Developing Data Literacy

16.00 Networking Reception

September 14th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Exploring Transferable Skills

12.00 Redefining Dental Restoration: Innovations and Best Practices

14.00 Identifying and Validating Transferable Skill

16.00 Networking Reception

October Events

October 11th Saturday (MAIC)

Day 1: Saturday - Beauty Wellness and Beyond.

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Supporting Your Journey in Beauty and Wellness

12.00 The Future of Aesthetic and Wellness Careers: Trends and Opportunities

14.00 Transforming Passion into Profession

16.00 Networking Reception

October 12th Sunday (MAIC)

Day 2 – Sunday Beauty Wellness and Beyond

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Aesthetic and Beauty Booth - Mastering Basic Skincare Routines for All Ages

12.00 Lunch Break

14.00 Roundtable: " Artificial Intelligence Technology in Hospitality"

16.00 Networking Reception

November Events

November Events

November 8th Saturday

Day 1: Saturday - Microcredential: Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces: The Future of Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 Spring into Cooking: Simple Techniques for Flavorful Dishes

12.00 Elevate the Experience: Essentials of Restaurant Service Excellence

14.00 Discovering Hospitality: A Gateway to the World of Tourism

16.00 Networking Reception

November 9th Sunday

Day 2: Sunday – APEL - Bridging the Gap: Experience Meets Education

09.00 Registration and Welcome

10.00 PAPEL for Career Advancement Real Success Stories: A Panel of Inspiration

12.00 Showcase Your Skills: Interactive Skill Demonstration Zone

14.00 Skills Mapping for Career Development

16.30 Networking Reception


More to Explore with

SPACES @ MAHSA on Open Day

Teaching and Learning

An Immersive Learning Experience

Discussion and Discourse

Where Ideas Take Flight: Engage, Explore, Evolve

Research and Innovation (Laboratories)

Exploring the Elements, Forging New Frontiers

Sustainable Enterprise

Creating Entrepreneurs,

Fuelling Sustainable Economies

Food, Snack and Beverages

Cerebral Fuels: Nourishing Minds, Satisfying Cravings

Fitness and Health

Empowering Wellness, Ignite the Warrior Within!

Music, Art, Fashion
and Culture

Soul Afire: Inspiring Creativity, Celebrating Expression!

Relaxation and Rejuvenation

Zen Zone: Unplug, Reflect, Revive!

Sport and Games

Mortal Kombat


Adult Open Day Series

More Educational Weekends?