University Academic Affairs Committee Presents

The UN-Learn


RE-Learn Experience

Stay Sharp! Stay Curious! Stay Learning!


Micro Learning


Full Qualification


Learning On Demand




Digital Badge

In the fast-paced world we live in, staying ahead is not just an Option;

it's a necessity.

Discover the Adult Learning Ecosystem @ MAHSA University:

The Key to Reskilling, Upskilling, and New-skilling


Better Pay and Career Opportunities!

What are Microcredentials?

Microcredentials are bite-sized programmes designed with a specific learning path that is focused on a specific skill set or body of knowledge. They may be stand-alone courses or a small-part of an accredited programme. It enables the mastery of a specific skill or set of skills at your own pace in a mainly online environment.

How can Microcredentials be stacked towards an end award?

Some Microcredential programs are designed to be stacked towards an end award, such as a Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Master and even a PhD. This means that you can earn multiple Microcredentials and then apply them towards a larger credential.

Why are Microcredentials Important?

Microcredentials are important because they allow you to learn the skills that you (or your employers) need most., exactly at the time when it is required. So it is an avenue to learn what you want, when you want. They're also a great way to stay ahead of the curve in your field and make yourself more marketable to potential employers by having additional skillsets. According to a report by McKinsey, "Microcredentials" are a critical part of the future of work." The report found that "demand for Microcredentials is expected to grow by five times in the next five years."

How can Microcredentials help you get Better Pay and Career Opportunities?

A study by the Georgetown University Centre on Education and the Workforce found that workers with Microcredentials earn an average of 10% more than those without them. The study also found that workers with Microcredentials are more likely to be promoted and are less likely to be retrenched/ unemployed.

A study by the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) found that 70% of employers in Malaysia are willing to hire employees with Microcredentials. The study also found that employees with Microcredentials earn an average of 10% more than those without them.

In addition, the Malaysian government is offering incentives to employers who hire and train employees with Microcredentials.

Microcredentials is for you if you are:

A Recent Graduate

Microcredentials can help recent graduates to learn the additional skills needed to get a job in their field.

A Mid-Career Professional

Microcredentials can help mid-career professionals to upskill and advance their careers by getting promoted to higher level positions.

An Entrepreneur

Microcredentials can help self-employed people to learn the skills they need to grow and diversify their businesses.

Work in an Emerging Industry

Microcredentials can help people to learn the skills they need to work in emerging industries, such as artificial intelligence and data science.

"Microcredentials are essential for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve."

HR Manager of a Financial Services Company

Stackable programs towards certificates, diplomas, degrees, and more.

Stackable programs are educational pathways that allow learners to earn a series of credentials, starting with shorter-term certificates and progressing to longer-term diplomas and degrees. These programs are designed to be flexible and modular, so that learners can build their skills and knowledge at their own pace and in a way that is relevant to their career goals.

Driving Growth, Amplifying Impact

How We Help Working Professionals Grow

Rizal's journey to advancing his marketing career through Microcredentials.

Rizal has been working in marketing for five years. He is good at his job, but he knew that he needed to learn some additional skills to advance his career. Rizal decided to take a Microcredential course in digital marketing. The course taught him about the latest digital marketing trends and technologies, such as social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

After completing his Microcredential course, Rizal was able to apply the new skills he had learned to his job. He was able to develop and implement successful digital marketing campaigns for his clients.

Rizal's boss was impressed with his work, and he promoted Rizal to a senior marketing position. Rizal is now earning a higher salary and has more responsibility. He is grateful for the Microcredential course that helped him to advance his career in marketing.

How Microcredential's helped

me get a job in data science.

Nurul graduated with a degree in mathematics, but she wanted to pursue a career in data science. She knew that she needed to learn some additional skills, so she decided to take a Microcredential course in data analysis.

Nurul's Microcredential course taught her the basics of data analysis, including data cleaning, data visualization, and statistical analysis. She also learned how to use popular data analysis tools such as Python and R. After completing her Microcredential course, Nurul applied for a job as a data analyst at a technology company. She was able to impress the interviewer with her skills and knowledge, and she was offered the job.

Nurul is now working as a data analyst at a technology company, and she is loving her job. She is grateful for the Microcredential course that helped her to learn the skills she needed to pursue her career goals.

Ready to Join us for a Day of Exploration, Learning, and Networking?

And get a Free Microcredential Program

to Elevate your Career and Income.

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